Once it's clear the goblins are dead and no more are forthcoming, the nobleman rises from his hiding place behind the rain barrel and comes over to you and introduces himself as Aldern Foxglove. He's visibly shaken from the shock of the battle, and as he speaks he glances about nervously looking for more goblins. He informs you that he'll be in town for a few more days; he's staying at the Rusty Dragon to the south, and when you get a chance, he’d love to talk with you more and perhaps reward you properly for saving his life.
Victor Steiger: I approach Aldern.
Til Talathel: I face the nobleman.
Giovanni Pierce: I search through the corpses.
Martus Karrow: Well met Aldern. I am Martus Karrow, cleric of Abadar. Do you need help returning to the inn? There could still be goblins about.
Aldern Foxglove: That's very nice of you, thank you, I think I'll take you up on your offer.
Victor Steiger: Greetings. The name's Victor.
Til Talathel [Common]: I'm Til.
[understood by: Giovanni Pierce, Martus Karrow, Til Talathel, Victor Steiger]
Giovanni Pierce: Hey, I'm Giovanni.
For a moment, Aldern seems to forget his fear as his gaze turns and rests on Victor, and he compliments him on his skill at arms and bravery. Then the shell-shocked look returns to his face.
Martus Karrow: Have you found anything useful Giovanni?

-> Giovanni Pierce: You find a potion on the body of the goblin commando.
Giovanni Pierce: I found a potion, not sure what type it is though.
Martus Karrow: I have some knowledge of potions, perhaps I could identify it?
Giovanni Pierce: I hand over the potion to Martus.
Martus Karrow: I sniff carefully at the potion to try and detect its properties.
The potion doesn't have a particular smell.
Martus Karrow: I taste a small amount of the potion.
Martus Karrow: [SKILL] Perception [d20+4 = 19]
You quaff a bit of the liquid and instantly identify it as a Potion of Cure Moderate Wounds.
Martus Karrow: It's a healing potion, perhaps you should take it Victor.
Til Talathel [Common]: Martus, take a look at this as well.
[understood by: Giovanni Pierce, Martus Karrow, Til Talathel, Victor Steiger]
Til Talathel: I hand over a potion.
[Til Talathel] -> [Martus Karrow] : Goblin bard's potion
Victor Steiger: Thank you, Martus.
Martus Karrow: I hand the Potion of Cure Moderate Wounds to Victor.
Martus Karrow: Taking the second potion from Til, I gingerly smell it before taking a small sip.
Martus Karrow: [SKILL] Perception [d20+4 = 16]
You taste Til's potion and easily identify it as a Potion of Cure Light Wounds.
Martus Karrow: It's another healing potion, slightly weaker. Here take it Til.
Martus Karrow: I offer the potion to Til, expectantly.
[Martus Karrow] -> [Til Talathel] : Potion (Cure Light Wounds)
[Martus Karrow] -> [Victor Steiger] : Potion (Cure Moderate Wounds)
Martus Karrow: The night is closing in, we should be off.

Aldern assumes that you're all out-of-towners, and leads the way south towards the Rusty Dragon.
In the shadow of the goblin attack, Sandpoint is hardly interested in finishing up the Swallowtail Festival—citizens retreat to their homes to hide and recover from the day’s horrors, yet as they go, many of them take the time to thank you for saving them.

After a few minutes, you arrive at the inn.
You push open the door and step inside, but find no one but a lonely flickering fire.
Aldern Foxglove: Thank you for escorting me here. I'll head up to my room now to rest and try to gather my wits after this horrible night. I wish you a restful night.
Giovanni Pierce: I guess we sohuld take some rooms for ourselves and pay the owner in the moring.
As Aldern heads upstairs, the lovely Ameiko Kaijitsu comes down the stairs.
The innkeeper has been quite impressed with your actions, and offers you free rooms at the Rusty Dragon for a week as a way to thank you for helping to defeat the goblins.
Til Talathel [Common]: Thank you for the offer, Ameiko, but I need to return home and check in with my father.
[understood by: Giovanni Pierce, Martus Karrow, Til Talathel, Victor Steiger]

Ameiko Kaijitsu: Ha, I didn't notice you Til. Do you know these guys?
Til Talathel [Common]: No, we just met during all the chaos.
[understood by: Giovanni Pierce, Martus Karrow, Til Talathel, Victor Steiger]
Ameiko Kaijitsu: Well you certainly made some nice friends today!
Til Talathel [Common]: We seem to make a good team.
[understood by: Giovanni Pierce, Martus Karrow, Til Talathel, Victor Steiger]
Til Talathel [Common]: I bid you three well. If you need me, you can find me at my father's shop.
[understood by: Giovanni Pierce, Martus Karrow, Til Talathel, Victor Steiger]
Giovanni Pierce: I hope your dad is alright.
Martus Karrow: Yes, well fought today friend. Take care on the streets.
Victor Steiger: We shall likely meet again. Farewell, friend.
-> Giovanni Pierce: You remember that early in the day you already booked a room for the night at The White Deer inn, opposite the North Gate. You haven't paid for it yet though...
Victor Steiger: I hit on Ameiko.
Victor Steiger: [d20 = 15]
GM: You clumsily try to hit on Ameiko with boasting about your fighting prowess that you demonstrated in the battles tonight, but your approach seems crass to her, not to mention inappropriate given the tragedy you've all just been through, and she brushes it off.
Ameiko shows you upstairs to your rooms, and then leaves to meet Father Zantus and see if he needs help.
Martus Karrow: Ah, you're still awake Giovanni.
Giovanni Pierce: Yeah... Thinking about how close to dying we came.
Giovanni Pierce: I made a few dumb mistakes.
Martus Karrow: It was touch and go at points.
Martus Karrow: Are either of you still hurt? I'm starting to feel my own injuries.
Victor Steiger: Yeah, I took a few bad hits.
Giovanni Pierce: Not too much.
Giovanni Pierce: Yeah you really charged into battle.
A young couple of travelers comes up the stairs, the man holding the woman while she sobbs quietly in his arms.
Martus Karrow: Okay, well gather round me. Abadar will provide.
Martus Karrow: I channel positive energy.
Martus Karrow: [d6 = 2]
Martus Karrow: [d6 = 1]
Martus Karrow: [d6 = 1]
Martus Karrow: [d6 = 6]
Martus skillfully heals everyone including himself, and no wounds persist.
He could not, however, heal the exhaustion of the day. That, only a good night's sleep can heal.
Giovanni Pierce: I turn to the couple.
Giovanni Pierce: Hey uh, are you two ok?
Martus Karrow: Feeling much better now. But it has been a stressful day.
The man turns towards Giovanni and nods, then guides the woman up the corridor to the north and into their room.
Martus Karrow: We can talk the days events through in the morning. For now, I'm exhausted.
Giovanni Pierce: Agreed, see you two in the morning.
Victor Steiger: Right. Rest well. See you in the morning.

You crash in your beds, exhausted and longing for deep sleep.
Shortly after, before you drift off to sleep, you hear heavy footsteps coming up the stairs. The footsteps get louder fast, as it seems the person causing them is coming straight for your rooms.
Before you have time to react, there is a knock in one of the doors: Martus's, it must be, the other two of you guess.
Martus Karrow: I get out of bed and open the door.
Victor Steiger: I get out of bed, open the door slightly, and peek out.
Giovanni Pierce: I get out of bed and peek out of my door.

The stout armored warrior that appears at your door introduces himself as Belor Hemlock, Sandpoint's Sheriff.
Sheriff Belor Hemlock: Well met, adventurers! I hope I didn't wake you.
Martus Karrow: Not quite, although I was on my way.
Victor Steiger: Not at all.
Giovanni Pierce: Well... You kinda did but whatever.
Sheriff Belor Hemlock: I heard about your exploits tonight from Ameiko, who heard it from various sources. Word gets around fast.
Sheriff Belor Hemlock: I wanted to personally thank you for your help.
Sheriff Belor Hemlock: The town watch has been overwhelmed, and your assistance meant a lot.
Sheriff Belor Hemlock: Let me tell you what has been happening in the last couple of hours, after the tide turned and the little murderous buggers turned tail and started fleeing.
Sheriff Belor Hemlock: The surviving goblins fled north in droves, in some cases preferring to leap to their certain deaths off the cliff at Junker’s Edge rather than be captured. Several of the little menaces were caught alive, but they proved useless when interrogated; none of them know much more than that they were given orders to kill everyone in town and burn down the place. None of the captured goblins can even remember their leader’s name, apart from the fact that he was one of “you longshanks.” Their leader was on a secret mission to the town’s graveyard—that much most goblins have said, but none of them know what that mission was. "It was secret, after all!"
On top of all this, Father Zantus visited me just now, reporting that he noticed one of the graveyard vaults seemed opened.
As if on cue, you can hear another set of footsteps coming up the stairs, and a moment later Father Zantus himself appears behind the Sheriff.
Father Abstalar Zantus: Ah, I am glad to see you all seem healed, adventurers. Let me know if you need any further assistance.
Victor Steiger: The other fighter, Til Talathel, might be in need of healing.
Father Abstalar Zantus: Poor Til, he's had a rough night. I'll go look after him.
Father Abstalar Zantus: Listen to the Sheriff, everything he says is true. I found the door to Ezakien Tobyn’s vault hanging ajar only half an hour ago, and rushed to report the desecration. I have not been inside the vault to investigate. Please take good care if you decide to help the Sheriff deal with this.
Father Abstalar Zantus: Oh but you don't know who Father Tobyn was. He was the head priest I replaced when he died in the cathedral fire years ago.
Father Abstalar Zantus: He was my mentor.
Father Abstalar Zantus: It's so distressing, this desecration, and at such a tragic time!
Giovanni Pierce: I assume you're going to investigate it now?
Sheriff Belor Hemlock: I would like you to join me.
Sheriff Belor Hemlock: I don't expect much trouble.
Sheriff Belor Hemlock: Maybe a goblin wormed its way in there. It should be easy to dispatch him.
Sheriff Belor Hemlock: I just want to put Father Zantus' mind at ease.
Martus Karrow: Of course Sheriff, I'd be happy to help. Give me a few minutes to don my armor.
Father Zantus bids you good luck and heads down the stairs.
Giovanni Pierce: If everyone plus Til goes then I guess I might as well join you.
Giovanni Pierce: I won't be of much use though.
Victor Steiger: Sleep will have to wait, I guess.
Martus Karrow: I put on my armor, grab my equipment, and say a few words of prayer.
You hastily get dressed, and follow Hemlock down the stairs.
Outside a heavy drizzle has started, and the streets are soaked wet.
You walk briskly north to the cathedral, and enter through the main--now broken--door.
Sheriff Belor Hemlock: As you walk through the now quiet cathedral, it is empty as all the wounded seem to have been moved elsewhere.
The Sheriff seems to be in a chatty mood.
Sheriff Belor Hemlock: So where do you folks hail from?
Martus Karrow: I was sent here by the Church of Abadar to examine this fine town.
Victor Steiger: Up north.
Giovanni Pierce: I'm from south of here.
Sheriff Belor Hemlock: So you're from all over. And how do you know each other?
Giovanni Pierce: We ended up killing goblins together.
Martus Karrow: Yes, we have only just met.
Sheriff Belor Hemlock: Well, by all accounts, you make a good team, I can tell you that.
Sheriff Belor Hemlock: And how long do you plan to stay in our fair town?
Giovanni Pierce: Uh, not too sure. I was gonna try and get a job here and study the local history and ruins for a while.
Martus Karrow: Until I have surveyed the industry, and taken stock of opportunities for development to report back to the church. At least a week or two, I'd say.
Victor Steiger: I haven't thought that far ahead, to be quite honest.
Martus Karrow: Then, my friend, it is divine providence that brings you here.
Hemlock turns to Giovanni.
Sheriff Belor Hemlock: You will find our town boasts several fine bookstores and scholars of history.
Giovanni Pierce: Yeah, that's what I've heard.
Sheriff Belor Hemlock: Sandpoint has a much larger footprint in the arts and sciences than its size and location would suggest.
Giovanni Pierce: Maybe I'll stay for quite a bit then.
He then turns to address Martus.
Sheriff Belor Hemlock: Our brand-new cathedral should present plentiful opportunities for your pious activities. Its consecration has been delayed, to be sure, but the damage will be fixed quickly, trust me on this.
Martus Karrow: Yes, it is a marvel of civilization in this wild land.
Finally Hemlock turns to Victor, and address him in a grave tone.
Sheriff Belor Hemlock: And as for you, my barbarian friend, I have heard you enjoy cleaving goblins like they're chickens.
Sheriff Belor Hemlock: You should stick around too, along with your newfound friends.
Victor Steiger: I certainly do. And I will be glad to provide my services for as long as they are needed.
Sheriff Belor Hemlock: I suspect there may be plenty of goblins for you to cleave in the near future.
Sheriff Belor Hemlock: Splendid.
Sheriff Belor Hemlock: At that point you exit the cathedral from the east entrance and enter the Boneyard, Sandpoint's graveyard.
As the conversation winds down, you arrive at the vault, a 20-footsquare stone structure that stands near the wall. Used to house the remains of previous caretakers, priests, and acolytes who served at the Cathedral, the stone door does indeed hang ajar.
The ground around the place is also churned up.